About Us2018-03-08T14:33:38+00:00


When you’ve got a major construction project on the go, you need to know you’re dealing with people who’ll deliver what they say.
You want to work with experienced operators, people who understand the importance of getting the job done on time and to the agreed spec.
You want to work with people whose expertise gives you confidence and who won’t give you any additional headaches.

You want to work with people like Eskdale Environmental Services Ltd.

I’m Grant Litherland, Eskdale’s managing director, and I’ve got more than 20 years’ experience of working on projects like yours across the UK.
During that time I’ve handled everything from emergency spill response activities to waste management to brownfield regeneration.

My background in mechanical engineering allowed me to grow and develop my own company in specialist, heavy industrial cleaning. This I successfully disposed of in 2003. Thereafter I joined AMW Contractors Ltd. It was subsequently sold to Adler and Allan in 2013 and I held a final role there as Operations Director.

I established a new company, Eskdale Environmental Services Ltd, in 2016. And the response has been fantastic.
We’ve been entrusted by some of the UK’s biggest names to help them get their schemes moving. We’ve worked just as hard for plenty of smaller organisations as well.
We’re particularly good at project management, industrial cleaning, demolition, remediation, waste management, waste permitting and licensing.
I’m pleased to say we come highly recommended for environmental awareness and our skills in environmental impact assessment.
Many clients really value my experience which means I’m able to provide informed technical advice. This is particularly useful with the complexities of environmental compliance and planning conditions. I’m a licensed waste carrier and broker and associate member of the Chartered Institution of Wastes Management.

If you want to know more about what we do or how we can help your project
then give me a call today on +44 07714516314


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